Language and Speech Therapy Center in Baghdati

Language and Speech therapy service is provided by “Habitat for Equality, Achievement and Development” in partnership with “Logomed – Speech Development and Correction Center”.
Therapies provide complex treatment of any type of speech disorders, using both medical and pedagogical methods.

Who can join speech and language therapy?
Everybody from 2 to 40 years old is welcomed.

How to get started?

The beneficiary needs to run through an assessment and diagnosis process. Afterward, an individual therapy plan will be created. Within the therapy, an evaluation of achieved results will take place as well as a patient and/or parents consultation.

What types of speech and language corrections do we offer?

  • General underdevelopment of speech;
  • Prescriptive speech disorder;
  • Express type of speech disorder;
  • Dysarthria;
  • Rhinolalia;
  • Aphasia;
  • Takilalia;
  • Bradylalia;
  • Logoneurosis.

What pedagogical and medical measures does complex therapy include?

  • Direct massage of the articulating apparatus;
  • Vibration massage of the articulating apparatus;
  • Reflex therapy stimulation of peripheral speech zones;
  • Breathing exercise;
  • Diction training;
  • To train the speaking voice;
  • Development of fine and gross motor skills;
  • Phonemic hearing training – stimulation;
  • To enrich vocabulary;
  • Development of phraseological speech;
  • Computer correction;
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Diction and diaphragmatic breathing exercises;

Two qualified therapists work with the center’s beneficiaries under the supervision of “Logomed – Speech Development and Correction Center”.