Language and speech therapy service is provided by “Habitat for Equality, Achievement and Development” (HEAD) in partnership with “Logomed – Speech Development and Correction Center”.
Language and speech therapy service is provided by “Habitat for Equality, Achievement and Development” (HEAD) in partnership with “Logomed – Speech Development and Correction Center”.
Therapies provide complex treatment of different type of speech disorders, using both medical and pedagogical methods.
children from 2 to 14 years old;
15-18 year olds;
Adults aged 18–40.
need assessment and diagnosis;
drawing up an individual work plan, providing services and evaluating the achieved results;
counseling parents/users;
general underdevelopment of speech;
prescriptive speech disorder;
express type of speech disorder;
it’s taqilal
direct massage of the articulating apparatus;
vibration massage of the articulating apparatus;
reflex therapy stimulation of peripheral speech zones;
breathing exercise;
diction training;
to train the speaking voice;
development of fine and gross motor skills;
phonemic hearing training-stimulation;
to enrich vocabulary;
development of phraseological speech;
computer correction;
diction and diaphragmatic breathing exercises;