New Year’s celebration in Terjola

The summarizing event of the year was held at the Day Care Service Center for children with disabilities “Sapovnela” in Terjola. The center’s administration, together with invited guests, summarized the significant achievements of the year and talked about future plans. Terjola Municipality Mayor, Manuchar Robakidze attended the event along with the city hall employees, who promised the center even closer cooperation. The event was also attended by representatives of the Association of Educational and Preschool Institutions, social workers of the State Care Agency, parents and friends of the center – all people who have been caring for the well-being of children with disabilities throughout the year. The beneficiaries of the day care center brightened up the event with a performance and created a New Year’s mood for the invited guests. At the end of the day, employees of “Crystal” and “Credo Bank” gave the center’s beneficiaries New Year gifts, and the local government delighted them with sweets.