EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell visited the Kutaisi Daycare Center for children with disabilities “Magical World”.
The Ambassador became familiar with the activities in which beneficiaries are involved on a daily basis – group and individual work in the sensory rehabilitation room and general environment of the center. Dimitrije Todorovic, the Country Director at Asb Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund also attended the event.
The daycare center under the name “Magical World” has been working for 10 years. At present, the daycare center provides services up to 30 beneficiaries aged 6 to 18. The daycare center is funded by the state program for social rehabilitation and child care through the voucher system.

EU Ambassador Carl Hartzell also became familiar with the work of the social enterprise “Peacock” operating within the daycare center. The head of the enterprise, Feride Loria informed the Ambassador about the products they create and told the history how the enterprise was established.
The social enterprise “Peacock” creates handmade cards and souvenirs with the quilling technique. They have corporate as well as individual orders. There are 10 persons with disabilities employed in the enterprise.
Within the framework of the EU funded programs, the social enterprise “Peacock” participated in various pieces of training and projects for its institutional strengthening.