Day Care Center for Children with Disabilities “Dimna” (Baghdati)

The Baghdati Day Care Center “Dimna” provides services for 30 children with disabilities aged 6 to 18 years, aimed at improving their social situation and promoting integration into society, taking into account individual capabilities.
Work with each beneficiary is carried out according to individual capabilities by a qualified team.

The first month of joining “Dimna”

Using the Georgian tool for rapid assessment of adaptive behavior “Gabzi”, we investigate the needs of the child. After the assessment we create an individual rehabilitation plan based on the beneficiary’s abilities and interests. This plan and informal education programs are aimed to preserve and develop skills for self-care, social behavior, verbal/alternative communication and independent living.

Promotion of employment
In order to increase the employability of our beneficiaries, we assess the skills of children above the age of 14 through the Center’s “Work Skills and Abilities Assessment Form”. Based on the assessment, we determine the goals related to the professional orientation and career planning of the beneficiaries.

Following services are provided:

  • to teach the teaching skills of proper organization of time, effective communication, participation in the process of making choices and decision-making, and solving conflicts in a non-violent way;
  • integrated activities (drawing, singing, physical training, labor training);
  • participation in different types of integrated events (study visits, integrated activities, sports competitions, excursions, educational events and others);
  • development of professional and vocational skills;
  • interdisciplinary approaches with parents and guardians to promote development and develop child care skills;
  • raising awareness and preparing for inclusive education.

Our Day Care Center is equipped with adaptive aids furniture to support our beneficiaries to use their skills and abilities accordingly. Additionally, the Day Care Center provides a pick-up and drop-off service as well as two meals for the beneficiaries daily.